Saturday, February 6, 2016

Spinning, Yarn Twisting

Spinning process: Spinning is the process to produce yarn or filament from fiber by twisting and drafting.  The spinning process is long to make yarn. There are many process in spinning. Such As Bale Management, Blow Room, Carding machine, 1st  Draw Frame, 2nd Draw Frame, Simplex/ Speed Frame/ Roving Frame Ring Frame. Those process is use in completing yarn.
There are total Spinning process, process name, process input and process output.

The First Process Of Textile

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Types of SEO-Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine optimization Mainly Two Types:

  1. On Page: which is done in site. Such as title tag, convent, keyword ETC
  2. Off Page: which is done out of the site. such as blog, forum posting ETC

there will be fast On page tutorial in the site then Off page tutorial
there only Organic SEO will be available in the page, The Paid SEO will not be.

  1. Paid search Engine: Searching google, you will see that in the result showing different color link(searched topic related) or highlighted link that link is paid SEO. Mean those website paid google for those link. This types of Optimization are called Paid SEO
  2. Organic SEO: Which link is shown simply that means there has no paid to make highlight. there has no different color to make highlight. This types of SEO is called Organic SEO. This is also known as Algorithm SEO.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The First Material of Textile: Textile Fiber

Textile fiber is hair or tissue of animals and trees or chemical compounds which is usable to produce Yarn and fabric. Textile fiber Have some Characteristic to produce Yarn. Such as, It should have strength, length, twist-able and soft.

textile fiber is two types  

  1. Natural Fiber: Natural fiber is resourced from animal or plant. Animal's hair or plant's tissue we can called natural fiber for textile. Such as  Wool, Cotton, Jute, Coir, Yak, Silk ETC
  2. Synthetic or Man-made Fiber: Some fiber is made from chemical compound which is known as Synthetic fiber or man-made fiber. Such As Polyester, Nylon, Rayon(viscose), Spandex, Acetate ETC

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Textile: Clothing Study

Textile is the completed process to convert fiber to fabric. There are so many process in textile, Such as converting fiber to yarn, yarn dying,converting yarn to fabric, fabric dyeing, manufacturing clothes and garments Etc.

There are some main material in textile:
  1. Fiber: Cotton, Viscose, Linen, Polyester, Nylon, Wool, Jute ETC 
  2. Yarn: Carded Yarn, Combed Yarn, Rotor Yarn
  3. Gray Fabric: Gray cotton, Gray knitted, gray twill Fabric ETC
  4. Finished Fabric: Boiled, Twill, Denim, Plain knitted Fabric ETC
  5. End Product Dyeing: Shirt, Pant, Cover ETC

Picture: Textile-Process

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to hide folder in your Computer

You can hide 2 way.

 A.       By basic system
B.       Transparent Folder Hide

Learn how to hide your private folder which you want to hide.

A.  By Basic system:

  1.  Right click on the folder and Go to properties
  2. Check the box "hidden" and Then click apply and OK.
  3. Go to “computer” then “organize”
  4. Click “folder and Search option”
  5. Click “View” then click Circle “Don’t show hidden files, folders, or drives”
  6. Chick apply and OK.
  7. Done
  8. Folder will not show

B. Transparent Folder Hide:

  1. Rename the folder
  2. Delete your folder name
  3. Type Alt+0160
  4.  Press Enter
  5. Right Click on folder, go to properties and Click Customize
  6. Change Icon
  7. Select Transparent Icon
  8. click OK then click OK
  9. done 
  10. folder will not visible 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How to Hide tp-link wifi network / user name

First, you have to Go to
Username: admin
Password: admin
Then click “wireless” and
unchech the box “Enable SSID Broadcast
Restart the router.
you can take help from this picture.

you can take help from this video.

Your Wifi network will not show
Enjoy the tricks.

Monday, January 4, 2016

What is SEO?

There are so many search engine in the world like google, yahoo, being etc. If any one want to learn HTML then he will search writing "html tutorial" in google because he don't know the html tutorial site address. now you think, you have a site where teach about html tutorial. If the learner search in google by the name of "html Tutorial". he will find your site and he will go to your site to learn html. This is a site that Google first showed that many of the English HTML tutorial sites, blogs, forums etc.,despite that, some strategies on the site that was labeled before the technique is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What is Web design?

Web design is making a outward structure for a web site. The basic work of web design is making template for website, where have not any application. Such as login system, news letter sign up, pagination, saving in database be uploading file, image manipulation, if there have any ad in the site, changing the ad page from loading is also application, called web application. This application is made from programming language. By using no application, creating website is called web design. This types of design called static design. This concept is using to create the web design.